A local brass band plays music in the streets alongside a massive dragon float. People throw beads, cups and coins to parade-goers below. Everyone is decked out in head-to-toe costumes full of color and glitter. And you’ve never seen so many masks and feathers in your life. This is Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana.
While the famous parades were, of course, back in 2023, the “house floats” that came out of the global pandemic also continued to thrive, with locals literally transforming their houses into floats that spectators could visit. And the masks were more creative than ever.
For those missing the traditional revelry in the street or looking for a little history and inspiration behind this special event, here are past Mardi Gras photos that capture the essence of this community that truly knows how to have a good time.
You’ll Learn to Toss and Catch Beads Like a Pro

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo
Only in a place like New Orleans — where festivals and celebrations are almost a weekly occurrence — could such a big party exist.
Check out more amazing photos ahead that may inspire you to have a celebration of your own.

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo

Gerald Herbert / AP Photo